Greenheck-111813-body.jpgGreenheck’s ICD series of Insulated Control Dampers have earned AMCA’s new certified rating of Energy Efficiency. This new test method, which is found in ANSI/AMCA standard 500D-12, assigns a damper a Thermal Efficiency Ratio (E) by comparing its thermal performance with the thermal performance of a standard reference damper. In addition to being certified for energy efficiency, the performance of ICD series dampers is also AMCA certified for pressure drop and leakage. Greenheck Model ICD dampers are ultra-low leakage dampers with thermally broken insulated blades and available with a thermally broken frame, said company officials. ICD dampers are ideally suited for applications where minimal leakage and thermal transfer are required or when condensation on the damper blades is a concern. Greenheck Model ICD dampers are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal for Air Performance and can help building projects qualify for LEED credits.