SCADA Engine released a BACnet OPC server software package. This product has been redesigned from the ground up with input from Johnson Controls to suit large building automation projects in North America. The resultant server for BACnet is designed to be a powerful application featuring data access (DA), alarms and events (AE), and historical data access (HDA).

There is no need to purchase three separate OPC Servers for DA, AE, and HDA when the SCADA Engine BACnet OPC Server combines all of them into one.

This BACnet OPC Server has all of the features required for complete control over a BACnet system. The SCADA Engine BACnet OPC server supports reading and writing of all BACnet properties. This makes it possible to configure the On/Off times in BACnet time schedules as well as all other configurable properties.

A device discovery routine automates the creation of OPC tags based on the BACnet Devices connected to the network. Configuration data is saved offline in a CSV file, making it possible to edit tag names and addresses manually. There are no limits to the number of OPC Tags that can be created in the OPC server; it is restricted by the available memory and CPU of the computer. Alarms from the BACnet network are translated into OPC alarms and can be acknowledged from an OPC client. BACnet trend logs are mapped to OPC historical data access items automatically buffered to a SQL server database. For more information, visit
