In January 2022, the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) announced the publication of a revised standard, ANSI/AMCA 250-22. After reviewing the announcement, Systemair released a white paper for parking garage engineers and designers entitled, “Certified Performance Data of Jet Fans: Accuracy Leads to Safety.”

The white paper outlines clarification as to why ANSI/AMCA Standard 250-22 is the most accurate third-party certification for testing thrust and airflow performance in jet fans. It also addresses why this standard is important for carpark ventilation as well as the implications of third-party certification of jet fan data through a trusted, non-biased source.

“The newest revision to AMCA Standard 250 now contains testing methods to create lab simulations that best replicate the most recent development in the jet fan industry: carpark ventilation,” said John Gramke, national sales manager, commercial HVAC/car park ventilation, Systemair. “The trusted, certified testing methods provided within this standard will assure engineers that their designs are not only accurate, but safe.”

ACEC Research Institute White Paper