The following is a statement by Jean Louis Briaud, PhD, P.E., President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE):  

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is encouraged by Congress’s recent bipartisan agreement on an infrastructure framework that includes over $550 billion in new investments to revitalize the nation’s road, transit, water and electric grid.
These investments will help address our nation’s 10-year, $2.59 trillion infrastructure funding gap that was identified in ASCE’s 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, which assigned our nation’s infrastructure a grade of ‘C-’ across 17 categories, most of which are addressed in this plan. Deteriorating infrastructure deficiencies is costing each American household on average $3,300 per year if swift action is not taken. This bipartisan framework could mitigate those losses. American families and businesses are counting on Congress to work together to deliver safe roads and bridges, clean drinking water, reliable electricity, and climate-resilient communities.
We commend this group of Senators for their leadership, and urge the full Congress to act quickly on the agreed upon framework and pass legislation next month.