DANBURY, Conn. — Belimo Americas is excited to announce the integration of BACnet MS/TP communication capability for the ZIP Economizer. The new BACnet data objects will provide building owners and facility managers the ability to gain valuable insight into the equipment’s operation. In addition, the ZIP with BACnet provides building management system (BMS) operators flexibility with economizer logic and control parameters now available over the buildings’ communication bus. The ZIP is the most technologically advanced airside economizer solution in the market. It is developed to allow for easy user interaction when setting up or troubleshooting economizer systems and rooftop units.

“The ZIP Economizer offers 75 BACnet data points available over the BMS to facilitate custom control sequences to provide enhanced system performance and troubleshooting details,” said Frank DiPaolo, product specialist for Belimo Americas.

The ZIP provides the most energy savings through advanced economizer logic strategies. It is compliant with the most recent energy codes and standards, including ASHRAE 90.1, IECC, California Title 24, and ASHRAE 189.1. The BACnet addition demonstrates Belimo’s commitment to offering the most comprehensive economizer solution available. For more information, visit www.belimo.com.