Diet Coke and pretzels.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Always wanted to be an engineer; my father graduated top of his class and went off to college to be an engineer, but the depression hit and there wasn't enough money to finish. I suspect that was a strong factor in my bent.
What's playing in your car stereo?
Stereo radio is on weather and news.
What's the most memorable piece of engineering advice you ever received?
It applies to more than just engineering -- "Never, Never Quit!"
What habit could the design and/or facility maintenance community change or adopt right now that would make a real difference in the final product?
Focus on life cycle cost, not low first cost.
Project or assignment you were particularly proud of, and why?
When I was active in equipment design (a few years ago!), I had the opportunity to work on the development of a three stage centrifugal water chiller (one of a long line of Trane Centravacs). It established itself as the leader in the marketplace; 20 plus years later, the basic design is still the leader - with credit to many improvements over the years.
The most important development in HVAC over the last ten years?
Improved efficiency.
The most important development in HVAC over the next ten years?
Improved efficiency.
You can have one dinner with any four people, living or dead. Who do you invite?
Jesus, my father, Winston Churchill, and Albert Einstein.
Parting tips for a new engineer?
Set your goals high, work hard, and never give up.
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