World Business Review (WBR), a television series hosted by former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, has released a segment on indoor air quality (IAQ) as part of its "Technology & the Environment" series. The segment focuses on the growing concern about IAQ in general and "toxic mold" in particular, and features Chelsea Group, Ltd. (Itasca, IL) and Honeywell addressing both the nature of the problem and the solutions available for commercial and residential buildings.

The series begins airing this week on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), major networks, and various cable outlets, and can be accessed on the Internet on Yahoo! (

"Today, commercial buildings and homes are built tighter than ever for energy efficiency, but this traps pollutants and moisture inside, which provides ideal conditions for mold growth. The key to preventing mold growth is to control moisture in the indoor environment and changing the way we build and operate buildings. In addition, new technologies are needed that will eliminate the danger from "toxic mold" where it exists and prevent mold growth at its source," said George Benda, chairman and CEO of the Chelsea Group during an interview for the WBR series.