TheAmerican Council of Engineering Companies(ACEC) worked with congressional staff to draft the “Brownfields” legislation that passed the House last month. The legislation (H.R. 2869) was one of two main priorities on ACEC’s environmental agenda in 2001. The House adopted the Senate version of the bill (s. 350) that passed in April 2001. ACEC also submitted testimony and coordinated grassroots support for the bill’s passage.

"Passage of this Brownfields bill is an important victory for ACEC because it clears the way for the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites—and that means more work for ACEC member firms. It also encourages more development while at the same time improving communities and putting these sites back into productive use," says David Kennedy, co-chairman, ACEC Environmental Business Committee President, Kennedy Jenks Consultants.

The second priority on the group’s environmental agenda—the Price Anderson Act—provided another ACEC victory as the House approved last month, reauthorization of the Act, which caps liability for nuclear projects. The Senate is expected to pass the legislation early this year.