Imagine if you were faced with a project worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars that could have been solved with just a couple of hours of work.
Imagine if you were faced with a project worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars that could have been solved with just a couple of hours of work.
It can be really easy to be so caught up in the requirements, specifications, manuals, and drawings that you lose track of what the customer really wants.
DDC application engineers have a brave new world of topics to explore and familiarize themselves with as they intuit what owners really need and deliver designs for the solution.
Building automation systems (BASs) and open-source software are two areas of interest for me, so I’d like to share some thoughts on how they intersect, at least from the exposure I’ve had to them.
I’m still amazed to think of the effects that one inexpensive sensor’s reading could have on such an expensive and complicated building. I’m even more amazed to think of the dumb luck I had to be around when it happened.