LG Electronics unveiled an enhancement to its flagship VRF system. The Multi V 5 is now standard with LGRED° (Reliable to Extreme Degrees) heat technology. The company says the Multi V 5 with LGRED° is an ideal year-round VRF solution. Available in a range of capacities including a compact 20-ton single frame, the Multi V 5 offers advanced features.
Newly upgraded for 2019, the Multi V 5 has an expanded operating range to work in ambient conditions down to -22°F. The Multi V 5 also comes with LG features such as Advanced Smart Load Control and Comfort Cooling intelligence which measure ambient air humidity and temperature to monitor changing weather conditions in real-time, adjusting operation before the change has an opportunity to impact indoor comfort. Smart Heating works by extending the VRF system’s heating run-hours between defrost cycles by monitoring the building’s heating load, calculating the outdoor air dew point temperature, and when possible, raises the outdoor coil surface temperature delaying frost formation on the outdoor unit coil contributing to additional energy savings.
--LG Electronics