Viessmann Manufacturing Company announced the addition of the new Vitocrossal 300, CA3 gas-fired boiler. The company says the boiler is the ideal solution for commercial and industrial applications with multiple venting options and seamless integration in building management systems.

The CA3 is equipped with the SA240 316Ti stainless steel Inox-Lamellar heat exchanger surface which aims to provide maximum heat extraction while maintaining a compact size. It also features a maximum working pressure of 160 psi. The corrosion-resistant surfaces on the heat exchanger allow condensate to simply run off. Also, the large water content on the CA3 reduces wasteful burner cycling which helps to increase system efficiency and overall durability.

The Vitocrossal 300, CA3 is currently available in four sizes, from 3.5 million to 6 million Btu with inputs from 250–6,000 MBH and thermal efficiency of 96% on all models. In April 2017, two new sizes will be added: 2.5 million Btu and 3 million Btu.