AlliedAir-071513-body.jpgAllied Commercial has added 13- to 25-ton models to its high-efficiency K-Series product line, which currently includes 7.5- to 10-ton high-efficiency gas/electric and electric/electric models introduced earlier this year. Designed for integration into spec and bid, and replacement markets, the company says its high-efficiency K-Series models help commercial buildings meet or exceed sustainability standards while helping users to conserve energy and take advantage of federal and local energy-efficiency incentives. The K-Series models offer more than 100 field-selectable options to meet a variety of applications. Each unit can be made up to 25% more efficient with the addition of an optional, Single-Zone VAV supply fan. All K-Series units come standard with an Eco-Last™ Coil System that uses up to 52% less refrigerant, are up to 59% lighter, and have up to 20% fewer brazed joints than standard coils for increased efficiency and cost savings. For added installation and service convenience, K-Series models offer several features designed to reduce time on the job. They include an isolated compressor for fast and accurate charge diagnostics; a slide-out blower that allows for quick and easy cleaning and belt adjustment; and an easy-to-reach gas compartment for quick and easy analysis and service. The new high-efficiency K-Series models offer efficiencies of up to 12.7 EER and 13.6 SEER, compared to standard K-Series units offering efficiencies of up to 11.4 EER and 13.2 SEER.