Bradley’s new tankless tempering systems provide ANSI-required tepid water on demand to emergency fixtures.
Bradley introduces Keltech Tankless Tempering Systems, which deliver instantaneous ANSI-required tepid water to emergency safety showers and eye/face washes. Drawing energy only when needed, these tankless water heaters are designed to be highly efficient and precise in supplying tepid water at a second’s notice – even in the most extreme and challenging work environments.
Adding to its reputation for efficiency, installation of these units is very easy since only one electrical connection and a cold water line are needed, saving labor time and additional costs. In addition, utility costs are minimized because there is no need to keep a 300-gallon tank heated at all times.
Designed for long-lasting optimal performance, all models are precision-engineered with materials, such as copper tubing and robust brass castings, which exceed the standards of any application – even globally. Two units are currently available, including one for emergency eyewashes and one for emergency showers. Each unit offers several options to best meet the needs of an individual facility.