Forty-eight people were recognized by ASHRAE for their contributions to the Society and the building industry at the Society’s 2010 Winter Conference held in Orlando Jan. 23-27.
The ASHRAE Hall of Fame honors deceased members of the Society who have made milestone contributions to the growth of HVAC&R technology. The Society inducted Presidential Member William J. Collins Jr., ASHRAE Fellow, who dedicated over half a century to the HVAC&R industry, and J. Donald Kroeker, ASHRAE Fellow, a pioneer of heat pump applications, into the ASHRAE Hall of Fame.
The F. Paul Anderson Award, ASHRAE’s highest given for technical achievement, was awarded for notable achievement of outstanding services performed in the HVAC&R field. The recipient is Gerald C. Groff, Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member, principal, Groff Associates, Cazenovia, NY.
Fellow ASHRAE is a membership grade recognizes distinction in the arts and sciences of environmental technology and is earned through achievement as a researcher, designer, educator or engineering executive. The Society elevated 22 members to the grade of Fellow ASHRAE:
• Robert G. Baker, ASHRAE-Certified Operations and Performance Management Professional, chief executive officer, BBJ Environmental Solutions, Tampa, FL.
• Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng., assistant vice president, Facilities Management and Planning, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
• Michael R. Brambley, Ph.D., a staff scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
• Michael J. Brandemuehl, Ph.D., P.E., a professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
• Donald J. Cleland, Ph.D., a professor of process engineering and head of the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
• Drury B. Crawley, Ph.D., commercial building team lead, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.
• Charles J. Cromer, Ph.D., P.E., program director, Appliance Laboratory, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa Beach, FL.
• Abdel Hakim Elmahdy, Ph.D., P.Eng., Life Member, principal research officer, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
• Forrest B. Fencl, president, UV Resources, Santa Clarita, CA.
• Daniel Fisher, Ph.D., P.E., a professor, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.
• Lewis G. Harriman III, director of research, Mason-Grant Consulting, Portsmouth, NH.
• Glenn C. Hourahan, P.E., vice president of research and technology, the Air-Conditioning Contractors of America, Arlington, VA.
• Anthony M. Jacobi, Ph.D., the Kritzer Distinguished Professor, co-director of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center, and associate head, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.
• Srinivas Katipamula, Ph.D., a staff scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
• H. Ezzat Khalifa, Ph.D., NYSTAR Distinguished Professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and director of the Star Center for Environmental Quality Systems, Syracuse University, NY.
• Essam E. Khalil, Ph.D., a professor of mechanical engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
• Mukesh K. Khattar, Ph.D., department head with Oracle, Redwood City, CA.
• Carl N. Lawson, Life Member, a commissioning authority, Hanson Professional Services, Maitland, FL.
• John Budi Harjanto Listijono, president and director of Pt. Metropolitan Bayutama and Pt. Metropolitan Bayu Industri, Jakarta, Indonesia.
• Kecha Thirakomen, P.E., managing director, EEC Engineering Network Co., Bangkok, Thailand.
• Marija Todorovic, Ph.D., a professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia, permanent guest professor, Southeast University of Nanjing, China, and director, Virtual Engineering and Art-Investment Vision.
The ASHRAE Technology Awards recognize outstanding achievements by members who have successfully applied innovative building designs, which incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and indoor air quality. Four projects received first-place ASHRAE Technology Awards:
• Michael Hedrick, Thomas Marseille, P.E., and Long Lam, Stantec Consulting, Seattle, WA, in the new commercial buildings category for The Terry Thomas building in Seattle.
• Peter Rumsey, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, Rumsey Engineers, Oakland, CA, in the existing commercial buildings category for the IDeAs Design Facility, San Jose, CA.
• Donald McLauchlan, P.E., Steven Maze and David Lavan, Elara Energy Services Inc., Hillside, IL, in the new institutional buildings category for the Richard J. Klarchek Information Commons Building, Chicago, IL.
• Martin Roy, P.Eng., Martin Roy et Associes, Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, Canada, in the new industrial facilities/processes category, for Sobey’s Warehouse, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.
The ASHRAE Student Design Project Competition challenged teams of students to create an integrated sustainable building design as well as select and design HVAC&R systems for a 15,650-square-foot office building. First place in HVAC System Design is awarded to Craig Allen, Brian Sybesma, Chan Kim, William Raschefsky and Elyse Widin, of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. First place in HVAC System Selection is awarded to Kelly Griffith, James Newman, Phillip Podlasek and Darren Rottinghaus, of Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. First place in the integrated sustainable building design is awarded to Troy White, Edward Wood, Jaime Gonsalves and Ivan Fernandes of Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The Lou Flagg Historical Award recognizes a chapter Gold Ribbon award winner for compiling information on outstanding historical projects or persons related to HVAC&R. The recipient is Roderic S. Potter, principal, Rodders CAS, Carp, Ontario, Canada.
The John F. James International Award is given to an ASHRAE member who has done the most to enhance the Society’s international presence. The recipient is P Leo P. Stambaugh, Life Member, who resides in Dallas.
The E.K. Campbell Award honors outstanding achievements by engineering educators is presented by the ASHRAE Life Members Club. The recipient is Eckhard A. Groll, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, a professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Office of Professional Practice, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international organization of 50,000 persons. Its sole objective is to advance through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve the evolving needs of the public.