The West Coast Energy Management Congress (WCEMC) is the largest energy conference and technology event held in California, specifically focused on energy users from business, industry, and institutions. It brings together the top experts in all areas of the field to help attendees set a clear, optimum path to both energy cost control and energy supply security. Explore promising new technologies, compare energy supply and alternative energy options, and learn about innovative and cost- conscious project implementation strategies. The multi-track conference covers a variety of topics, many specific to the region.
The West Coast Energy Management Congress, now in its 22nd year, is the one place to learn the latest in "leading edge" energy efficiency and distributed generation technologies to make your company more profitable and minimize the "risk" of future energy supply disruptions.
The WCEMC will be kicking off this year's event with three opening speakers. Geoff Ayres, Director of C/I Markets of Southern California Gas Company, will be presenting a speech on Energy Supply and Demands in Southern California. Mark Hopkins, Acting Co- President of the Alliance to Save Energy, will be continuing the session, speaking of the Impact of the National Energy Plan on the California Marketplace. Peter J. Garforth, P.E., of Garforth International LLC, will wrap up the opening session with his speech entitled, "New Pathways: Green Sustainable Buildings."
The 22nd West Coast Energy Management Congress will be held June 16-17, 2004 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.