The National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1971 by contractors in the hvac industry. NEBB exists to help architects, engineers, building owners, and contractors produce great buildings with hvac systems that perform in ways they have been visualized and designed. NEBB establishes and maintains industry standards, procedures and specifications for work in its various disciplines that include: testing-adjusting-balancing (TAB)--air and hydronic systems, sound and vibration (S&V) measurement, cleanroom performance testing (CPT), and building systems commissioning--hvac and plumbing systems.
As one of the many associations that partner with the AHR EXPO, they encourage their members to be educated about the latest industry trends, innovations and practical solutions for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial applications. NEBB members are able to sharpen their individual skills through numerous seminars and detailed educational programs presented by ASHRAE at its winter meeting held in conjunction with AHR EXPO. They will also be able to attend the popular building automation sessions that are held at the show. At the 2003 AHR EXPO, there will be five separate sessions that discuss a variety of building automation topics.
NEBB joins a highly diverse group of endorsing associations that bring many different segments of the industry together in one show. The endorsing associations join long-time co-sponsors ASHRAE, the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI), and honorary sponsor Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) in supporting the world’s largest HVAC & R exposition.
The other 16 endorsing associations are: AABC (Associated Air Balance Council); ABMA (American Boiler Manufacturers Association); ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America); AMCA (Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.); ARWI (Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Wholesalers International); CABA (Continental Automated Buildings Association); CTI (Cooling Technology Institute, formerly Cooling Tower Institute); GAMA (Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association); MCAA (Mechanical Contractors Association of America, Inc.); MSCA (Mechanical Service Contractors Association); NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association); NAFA (National Air Filtration Association); NHRAW (Northamerican Heating, Refrigeration & Air conditioning Wholesalers Association); RPA (Radiant Panel Association); and RETA (Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association); RSES (Refrigeration Service Engineers Society).
As the largest and most inclusive exposition in the hvacr industry, AHR EXPO attracts thousands of attendees from all facets of the industry, including contractors, consulting engineers, dealers, distributors, wholesalers, OEMs, architects and builders, industrial plant operators, facility managers, agents and representatives.