A new publication from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (Atlanta) puts control of indoor air quality in the hands of building operators. Poor operations and maintenance procedures often lead to indoor air quality problems, according to Chad Dorgan, co-author of Application Guide: Indoor Air Quality Standards of Performance. The book outlines methods to ensure hvacr equipment, plumbing systems, and building envelope systems are working properly to obtain good IAQ. Using these methods should increase occupant comfort, satisfaction and productivity, according to Dorgan.

Standards of performance provide a way to record system performance parameters to ensure that IAQ is maintained at acceptable levels. Parameters include tests or other methods performed on system components that could affect system performance.

The book is written to assist operators in evaluating their own system’s operation and building IAQ levels. Through the evaluation, they can identify problem areas and find solutions, he said.

The book includes examples of several standards of performance for various equipment, such as central air-handling units. It suggests measuring the supply air temperature, visually inspecting the filtration system to make sure it is working properly, inspecting for mold and measuring system supply static pressure and outside airflow. Each of these tests would be performed regularly, and the results compared to the design values.

Procedures used to evaluate current standards of performance and IAQ levels and how to develop new standards are included in this book.

The publication is designed to help engineers, owners and operators, and maintenance personnel understand how operation and maintenance procedures affect IAQ, evaluate systems in a specific building, and apply operation and maintenance procedures to maintain acceptable IAQ.