Data Center Pulse just concluded its first meeting ever with a wrap up discussion before approximately 75 people at a meeting of the Northern California Chapter of AFCOM.

Mark Thiele of VMWare and Dean Nelson of Sun Microsystems of Sun did a great job bringing the session together. The report to the chapter included an hour-long presentation by Dean, as he listed 10 to-do items for the industry. I'll be talking more about that in coming weeks. The afternoon session also included a report on the forthcoming Chill-Off 2. 

Work has already begun on the event, with a final report expected in September after months of testing and analysis. This event promises to yield even more useful results than Chill-Off 1 as the testing procedures include varying processor load and testing at different chilled water and air input temperatures.

Submitting manufacturers, including Liebert, APC, and Rittal, also promise to be better prepared as they have refined their cooling solutions to incorporate lessons learned from the previous event.

The Data Center Pulse founders have dedicated themselves to making their events and organization server an end user audience. And, so far, they have rigorously enforced their membership requirements. They have been pleased with response to the organization, which began only months ago as a LinkedIn group.

This week's live meeting was a first attempt to channel discussions in the group to a wider audience. Mark Thiele suggested that Web 2.0 technologies not available on LinkedIn might prove a key to helping the group collaborate and overcome some of the limits imposed by geography. As a result the group will be moving its activities to, which is already live.

Look for results from this meeting and video from the presentation to AFCOM at the new website.