Making it easier for users to meet the requirements ofASHRAE'sventilation standard, thereby improving indoor air quality for building occupants, is the objective of a proposed users manual currently out for bid.

ASHRAE recently released 14 proposals for research projects in the areas of design tools, energy conservation, high risk, innovative and emerging technologies, indoor air quality, comfort and health, operating and maintenance tools, and refrigeration systems for bid. Projects are scheduled to begin April 1, 2004.

Among them is a project to develop a users manual for ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

"One of the criticisms of the standard is that it is hard to use," Roger Hedrick, chair of a committee that will oversee the project, said. "Given the ongoing revision that is adding new requirements and calculation methods, a users manual becomes even more critical." The manual will contain explanatory material, including examples, not included in the standard since it is written in code language.

"Providing this material will increase the ability of users to meet the requirements of the standard," Hedrick said. "In fact, for many users, the manual may be more useful than the standard itself."

Meeting the requirements of the standard should result in better indoor air quality for occupants of apartments, office buildings, educational facilities, retail stores, hotels and motels, sports and amusement facilities and theaters.

The manual will explain the principles behind all sections in the standard and provide examples of its application.

It is expected to be published in 2005.