ABET Inc., the recognized accrediting body for college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology, recently installed its new officers. The following individuals will serve on the board of directors for the 2003-2004 term: John D. Lorenz, Ph.D., is the 2003-2004 president; Richard O. Anderson, P.E., is the 2003-2004 president-elect; Richard C. Seagrave, Ph.D., is the 2003-2004 secretary; Allen I. Ormsbee, Ph.D., is serving the second year of his second two-year term as treasurer in 2003-2004; James H. Dooley, Ph.D., P.E., is serving his second year of a two-year term as board representative to the executive committee; William S. Clark, P.E., begins his service as board representative to the executive committee, a two-year term; Larry D. Nixon, P.E., is the 2003-2004 past-president.; and Barbara Martin and Amy O'Leary, Ph.D., are the newest public members of the board.