R1000-051914-body.jpgFS-Elliott Co., LLC has released the R1000, the newest addition to the Regulus® control system line. The R1000 introduces new features that together enable plant operators to deal with energy costs. The control system features Ambient Compensation Control, a local control mode designed to automatically adjust the compressor set point based on changes in ambient conditions. As a result, the traditionally static surge control line becomes a dynamic entity, allowing the compressor to be safely controlled closer to the true surge line. The manufacturer says the control feature reduces waste by maximizing turn-down and minimizing bypass air, ensuring energy savings at off-peak operation. The R1000 takes compressor control one-step further by employing Pressure Band Optimization to avoid unnecessary discharge by optimizing the amount of air produced based on the minimum pressure required to meet system demand.

Integrated Compressor Control adjusts performance by assigning lead and lag machines according to system demand. Automating a lead and lag control process helps eliminate excessive air production, and minimize bypass air, all while reducing energy consumption, according to company officials.
