Carrier has launched a new program that aims to assist school districts that want to improve energy and sustainability. The Energy Assessment Program will aid administrators and school boards with identifying and remediating energy drains on campus.

Carrier Energy Assessments are performed onsite by experts from Carrier’s energy services operations and provide indoor climate solutions to promote effective learning while protecting resources for K-12 educational campuses.

“Approximately 25 percent of Americans go to school every day as students, teachers and administrators, so we need to drive change in the operations and maintenance of existing educational facilities,” said Greg Alcorn, vice president of commercial sales and marketing for Carrier. “Identifying ways to reduce energy consumption, improve indoor air quality and increase comfort can have a tremendous impact on student health and performance, school operating costs and the environment.”

Carrier K-12 Energy Assessments collect and analyze onsite data and information, such as utility bills, operating schedules, and occupancy levels that is then modeled to create a detailed report. The analysis is done to meet American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers Level I Energy Assessment and provides recommendations for implementing solutions.

“It is important to debunk the myth that greening schools is expensive,” Alcorn continued. “Our assessments recommend solutions that provide savings that often offset the cost of the assessment within the first two years of implementation, and can provide additional savings over time.”

To learn more about the Carrier K-12 Energy Assessment Program, visit or contact a local Carrier representative.