Since the fall of 2003, Contemporary Controls has sponsored the virtual Industrial Ethernet University (IEU), because of the evolving nature of the workplace and the equipment that supports it, learning is of continuing concern in this technology. The site has expanded its offerings and the number of students and graduates grow daily.

IEU offers objective, content-rich education on Ethernet, especially as it relates to installation on machines and in factories. There are 2,000 students studying all or some of the 19 courses focusing on both basic and advanced topics. Students are required to take exams to verify comprehension, and all material is based on the IEEE Std. 802.3 and relevant Request for Comments (RFCs). It is vendor-neutral since the purpose of the virtual university is to educate the public for the benefit of the industry. In addition, students are able to explore the opinions of 11 guest lecturers on the site.

Currently, there are more than 200 graduates. These students had mastered and completed the minimum 10 courses. Upon “graduation,” the student receives a certificate of accomplishment and, the opportunity to add his or her name to the IEU Alumni Directory.

However, graduation is not mandatory. The student can choose his or her courses of interest. To sign up at no cost, students may visit the “campus” at to learn how Ethernet technology works.