The Association of Energy Engineers(AEE) has taken the best of past WEEC shows and expanded the program to create a truly interactive 27th WEEC. This year's event will be held at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX with the conference on September 22-24, 2004 and the expo on September 22-23, 2004.

Here are just a few of the new features and upgrades:

  • Expanded program: In addition to its renowned multi-track conference program, a cross-section of one- two- and three-day seminars has been added help attendees maximize their training budgets.
  • Tours: Comprehensive facility tours displaying the latest technologies operating within the framework of real-world applications have been added.
  • Expo activities: New complimentary activities on the expo show floor, including workshops focusing on diverse technologies and poster sessions with interactive Q&A time will be featured.
  • Recognition: The prestigious AEE Awards Banquet has been moved to the opening night of the show. In addition, the Energy User News Energy Efficiency Awards and the U.S. EPA Energy Star Showcase will also be featured on the expo floor.
  • Networking: WEEC 2004 includes an exciting networking reception. Utilize this time to view technologies and to network with your industry peers. The reception hosted by Accenture, MeterSmart and Itron will be held in the exhibit hall.
  • Location: The WEEC has moved to Austin, TX - strategically located in the heart of Texas. Texas and the surrounding states boast the highest concentration of AEE members and the State of Texas is a showplace for green, renewable, environmental, and energy efficiency programs.
  • Support: Committed sponsors will make this show something special. Host Austin Energy, sponsors U.S. EPA Energy Star, Texas State Energy Conservation Office, Frontier Associates, Accenture, City Public Service, Carter & Burgess, E-Mon, Centerpoint Energy, Daikin AC and many more have signed up to create an in-depth program, training opportunity and a dynamic exposition.
  • Flexible schedule: The schedule is balanced with more exposition viewing time and more opportunities to interact with vendors to discuss your project needs.
  • Leadership: Corporate leaders such as sponsor, Baxter Healthcare International, are sending delegations to the event. Baxter has co-located its Energy Engineering Conference with WEEC. They will be brining in their top energy managers from various pharmaceutical plants worldwide to discuss their energy management programs, operational cost savings, and future project implementation.
  • Energy WEEK: AEE has teamed up with associations like U.S. Combined Heat and Power Association (CHP Roadmap Workshop: for more information), Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association (Renewable Energy Roundup and Green Living for more information), Texas Solar Energy Society, Texas Energy Partnership, EPA Green Power Partnership, ASHRAE Austin, IES, U.S. Green Building Council, BOMA, AFE, and Texas A&M University to make this "World Energy Week in Texas."

To register for the conference and expo or for more information visit