The GridWise™ Architecture Council (GWAC), a collaborative effort among an extensive scope of industry stakeholders with an interest in the technological advancement of the electric power grid, announced the keynote speaker roster for the Constitutional Convention to be held December 6-7, 2005, in Philadelphia.

The keynote speaker list includes:

  • Samuel Bodman, Secretary of Energy (Invited)
  • Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Energy and Natural Resources Committee
  • Nora Mead Brownell, commissioner of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
  • Joe Desmond, Chairman of the California Energy Commission

"The significance of the GridWise Constitutional Convention keynote speakers communicates the magnitude of the technological advancement of our nation's electric supply system and the industry-wide support behind it," Rik Drummond, GWAC chair, said.

In addition, the GridWise Constitutional Convention will feature presentations from several key industry stakeholders, including:

  • Phillip Harris, president and CEO, PJM Interconnection
  • Glen Allmendinger, president and CEO, Harbor Research, Inc.
  • John Petze, CEM, president and CEO, Tridium, Inc.
  • Jesse Berst, president, Center for Smart Energy

The purpose of the Constitutional Convention is to establish consensus surrounding fundamental principles and amass buy-in from a broad base of stakeholders in the application of information exchange to the effective operation of the future electric power system. The constitution will guide critical future information technology advancement over the next 10-30 years to realize a healthy, self-sustaining, highly interoperable electric supply system. For more information,